Restaurant - Starting from Scratch
Would-be restaurant operators may have already worked in their family’s restaurant, perhaps starting at an early age. Hundreds of thousands of aspiring restaurant operators have tasted the restaurant business as employees of quick- service restaurants. For others, their first food business experience was in one of the 740 cooking school programs offered in vocational school or community college programs or at cooking institutes. Yet the industry still does not have nearly enough employees, and the turnover rate is high. The tens of thousands of young people who work in restaurants know that, but also welcome the experience and enjoy working with other young people who never consider the job as a career. One message comes through loud and clear: The restaurant business is highly competitive and requires inordinate energy, the ability to work long hours, and the willingness to accept a low salary. According to the National Restaurant
Association, the restaurant industry is expected to add 1.8 million jobs by 2019, for total employment of 14.4 million in 2019.
Starting from Scratch |
A number of strong apprenticeship programs are offered by the American Culinary Federation and local community colleges, as well as by area chefs in restaurants, hotels, and clubs.
Following the European tradition, students who wish to become known as master chefs often seek jobs at the name restaurants in big cities, such as New York, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Orlando, Las Vegas, Houston, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Many go abroad for the same reason, building their skills and rounding out personal resumes.
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